Managing Your Security with the Right Hardware

Managing Your Security with the Right Hardware

While everyone seems to know that cybersecurity is essential to protecting businesses from lasting — and sometimes critical — harm, many businesses overlook the necessity of physical security defenses in protecting data.

While digital defenses are essential, physical security, including surveillance, will help protect assets like servers, computers, and other infrastructure from destruction, unauthorized access, and other harms.

Restricting access, deploying smart technology, and monitoring ingress and egress are just a few of the ways that companies can build a solid, well-rounded security foundation to support cybersecurity efforts.

Using Security Hardware to Protect Cyber Assets

The human component is important when considering cybersecurity.  40% of threats come from employees inside your business and at least 80% originate from human interaction.

To ensure you’ve got complete control of your digital assets, you must protect your infrastructure and endpoints behind a strong shield of physical security.

Fortunately, technology has kept up with the need for heightened physical protections, resulting in a crop of new and powerful tech tools to bolster your physical security.

Video Surveillance and Cameras

Video security provides a real-time stream of information that helps keep your data and facilities protected from intrusion.

They also help you monitor the day-to-day movements of visitors and staff to provide an extra layer of protection. Remember: Much of today’s economic espionage occurs from within a company.

To safeguard your premises, today’s cameras and surveillance tools feature next-generation technologies and easy integration with third-party apps and infrastructure.

Some of the most prominent — and crucial — new features include:

Thermal Imaging

Security cameras that use thermal imaging allow you to see images based on the heat they radiate, making them useful for night viewing and viewing through smoke, fog, and other atmospheric obstructions.

These cameras can even identify and expose intruders that believe they’re concealed behind landscaping such as bushes and trees.

Lens Options

Today’s cameras offer more than just a static one-direction view.

With lens options such as a 360-degree view and varifocal lenses that adjust focal length for specific needs, it’s easier than ever to find the right camera for interior and exterior entrances, exits, and other spaces.

You can also choose from wide-angle lenses for a larger field of view, or narrower views for more detail.

New technologies are bringing more effective ways to capture evidentiary details in challenging lighting situations common in low-light areas.

For night vision, you can get options for integral infrared (IR) lights that will provide maximum illumination of details without problematic hotspots.

Some cameras even come with solar power that ensure lenses can monitor critical sites without power supply.

Access Control/Stream Management

The best surveillance equipment will allow access from any network location around the clock to allow real-time investigation and response.

In the event of a negative event, it’s important to be able to transfer control and monitoring capabilities to another point in the network for maximum protection during an emergency situation.

A surveillance system that runs over network infrastructure allows video distribution to multiple sites, dependent on bandwidth. This allows for network-wide management, increased availability, a high level of redundancy, and a system that can be easily expanded as your needs grow.

The Perry proTECH Advantage? Surveillance with Benefits You Can See Immediately

Protecting your physical space not only enables peace of mind, it protects your staff along with your physical and digital assets for the highest level of security.

And, as threats grow and change, you’ll want to leverage the protective power of the latest — and most successful — new technologies to protect what’s important to you.

At Perry proTECH, our team of security experts is constantly testing and curating state-of-the-art equipment to bring the very highest level of security to our clients.

We can easily assess your current needs and infrastructure and develop a system that will dovetail effortlessly with your existing solutions to provide the right level of protection for your needs. Our systems are simple to deploy and control, so you’ll be able to realize the protective benefits right away.

Ready to see how easy it is to safeguard your business today? Contact a Perry proTECH consultant for an assessment now.